Abstract paintings in oil and acrylic by Karen Vanderpool-Haerle
Notes about Blackland Prairie Paintings
I am currently exploring the subject of rewilding and rejuvenation of the blackland prairies and our natural landscape and how this impacts climate change in a positive way. The subtle changes of the landscape with the wind and the movement of the grasses, trees, clouds, pollinators becomes more apparent as I spend time looking beyond what is immediately observed to find what lies above and within. My observations become entwined with the scents, sounds, and sensations of the life of the prairie. How do these elements coexist, change, adapt and keep everything in balance? The more time I spend observing, the more everything appears connected for the health and survival of our environment.

18 x 24

18 x 24

10 x 10

10 x 10

36 x 48

24 x 18

oil on Canvas 24 x 18